Sunday 8 July 2012

Three Maneuvers to Aid Active Women in Progressing With Their Golf Game

By Colin Baehr

Regardless of you recently beginning to play golf or have played it for a few years, you possibly have a desire to perfect your game. While there is ample amounts of information available all over online pertaining to how to pick up your golf game, the massive amounts can be awe-inspiring, causing you to feel as if you need 36-hour days in order to take care of your responsibilities and get better at your game. Here are three tips that will help you improve your game, even if you don't have as much time as you would like to dedicate to your favorite game.

You're going to need a decent set of clubs before you can really begin to take golf seriously. Clubs are expensive so you may want to rent clubs for your first few games to get a feel for whether or not you even like playing. Professionally fitted clubs are the best option once you decide that golf is the game for you. Since women need shorter clubs, on average, than men, it is extremely important that women are properly fitted for their clubs. Women often prefer handgrips that are better suited for their hands as well as lightweight clubs like those made from graphite.

Getting your clubs personally fit means that all these things and more will be considered in creating a set of clubs that is ideally suited to enhance your golf game.

Certified golf pros offer a wide range of lessons that you'd be well advised to take if you want to bring your best game to the green.

You must learn to control your reactions and emotions if you want to be a great golfer. Women are more likely to be led by emotion than men are. Men are able to find a sense of calm after a bad stroke where women are normally rattled by it and have a strong tendency to make another one (or more) on top of it. The problem is that women often rush right on in to the next shot without properly setting up and it ends up being worse than the first.

Deep breathing in order to properly focus on the task at hand is a good move to make at a time like this. Everyone will make mistakes in their game, how you deal with those mistakes makes the difference between average players and great golfers. Keep your thoughts calm and turn your mind to the ball to determine where it is now and where you'd like it to be once you've made your stroke. Enjoy major improvements to your golf game by doing this simple thing.

Once you get the basics down, you will find that golf isn't such a difficult game. If you want to become one of the greats you're going to need to spend a lot of time practicing.

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