Monday, 5 March 2012

Half Marathon Training

By Jessie Saguid

Running 13.1 miles is a real challenge. You have got to be prepared to defeat your body's antipathy toward completing such a race. To do that, you need to train your consciousness as well as your body. Most critical is the psychological stamina that you'll develop over your training period-it will be your most handy tool come race day.

Ask yourself, why do I want to do that? Dig awfully and you'll find the driving inducement; keep this thought in the forefront of your intellect as you train for a half marathon.To reach your target, give yourself 2-3 months to build to running 13.1 miles. Begin by signing up for a half marathon that's about 2-3 months away. This could push your motivation into high gear.

Before learning about how to train for a half marathon, remember that you ought to be able to jog (any distance) for 30 minutes before starting marathon coaching. While it is not essential that you really complete 13.1 miles, it is vital you are ready to run at least 10 miles on your own. Come race day, the adrenaline will help push you to run the extra 3.1 miles. You need to eat healthy foods during training. A lot of protein rich, low fat foods combined with fruits, plants and whole grains will help fuel your runs.

To train for a half marathon, your total mileage should elevate by no more than 10% each week. For the 3 weeks before the race, complete a 10-12 mile run. These will be the longest runs of your training and should serve as preparation for the 13.1 race. For the last week of training, taper off of your runs to allow your body to recover and be ready for the half marathon. Assuming your training schedule will last 10 weeks, use the following schedule as a guideline

For the week prior to the big race it is essential that you follow stern laws and don't over-train yourself. Do not forget to walk, not run, 2 miles two days before the race and to go at a slow pace during all the runs you will do that week. Also, for the whole week of the race you will be concentrating on loading your body with carbs. When race day comes, you will be piled high with fuel and ready to dominate the course. May I recommend you also read the articles by RunCoach Jen. She wrote an article I believe you would have some inte rest in called 5 Running Tips For Beginners. Another great article for a total guide to running, running gear selection, running styles and mistakes, and coaching schedules is Basic Guide to Running.

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