Friday, 8 June 2012

How to Learn From Each Golf Shot

By Jack Jones

Golf is a lot like everything else, if you want to improve, you need feedback. Positive feedback increases the chances that you will repeat the action, negative feedback means you will do your best to avoid it. In relation to golf, if you hit a very good shot, you need to reinforce the experience into your brain, in order to enable yourself to repeat it in the future. For every bad shot, learn from your mistake and go on.

Learning from Good Shots

Occasionally when you watch the pros, you will see someone hit a perfect drive, but not take the time to watch it land in the fairway. That doesn't mean you should stop watching your ball. In fact, watching your ball is a great technique to improve your swing.

You only have about 4 seconds of short-term memory storage for each movement that you make, which is why it is very important to hold your finish and watch the ball come to a finish. By watching your shot to the finish, you are relatively still and this allows your body to actually feel the shot that you just hit and correlate those feeling with the result. Since these are positive feelings, then it's a great thing.

One other reason to look at your shot come to a finish is so that you can store it into your mind's eye. The more positive shots that you see and experience, the easier it is going to be for you to visualize a corresponding shot when you need it. When you get used to that feeling and once you are able to store enough memories to satiate your palate, then you can walk up to even the tightest holes on the course and be well placed to recall the drives that you hit perfectly where you wanted to.

Learning from Bad Shots

If you want to learn from the errors that you made out on the course, then you must be detached of them. You can't get angry or frustrated because by that point, it will cloud your judgment and will make you be irrational on your approach. Instead of fretting about your swing blunder, you need to think back at the entire process of that shot. Ask yourself these questions:

1. Were you prepared?

2. Did you visualise the shot you wanted to hit?

3. Did you trust the club and shot you needed to hit?

4. Were you ready to hit it?

5. Were you consciously attempting to control any part of the swing?

After answering those questions and you still have not found the error in the prior shot; then you can look at your set up. Was each part of your body aimed correctly? Was the ball in the right position?

If you happen to feel like you did everything the right way and just made an awful swing, then try hard not to correct it in the middle of the round. This will only lead straight to more issues on the upcoming holes. Wait till your round is over, and then work on your swing mechanics on the range.

Each time you play, it is way better to target your good shots. Many golfers fail to realize just how many things they are doing right or how many quality shots they hit. Most golfers are instead too pessimistic who believe they should hit each shot perfectly.. Those that don't will call themselves bad golfers. The more that you target the good things going for you in your game, the sooner you can fix the tiny problems you have and improve on them.

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