Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Pulse Watch - An Excellent Tool To Accompany Your Regular Fitness Regimen

By Danielle Pool

Staying fit and healthy is a top priority for many these days. This can be done by healthy food as well as through regular exercise. The amount of exercise however is not enough to achieve optimal fitness. The important part is the intensity level of the exercise is not too high or too low and one of the ways to be able to check this by using a pulse watch.

A pulse watch or heart rate monitor is a personal monitoring device that helps measure ones pulse rate before and after an exercise. Data is gathered in real time and can be saved or recorded for later study. It has been used to assists in the development of conditioning and performance levels of athletes involve in different sports competition. Physical examinations and emergency situations also make use of this device in order to monitor a person's condition and be able to give appropriate advice and diagnosis.

A pulse watch works in a similar way as a regular electrocardiogram (EKG). Today, these watches are available in two different types. First between these two is the wireless chest strap. This type is more popular as it is more data enriched and heart rate readings are more quickly transmitted to the wristwatch transmitter. These types of pulse watches gather data through a sensor that is fastened on the strap that is wrapped around the chest of the user. These pieces of information are then displayed on the actual pulse watch that is worn around the wrist.

On the other hand, fingertip sensors are preferred by others for their more comfortable nature. These types of pulse watches do not require the use of straps around the chest to gather signals from the heart. Rather, by pushing a button or two from the watch, signals are gathered from which pulse rate readings would be measured. However, recent models of these heart rate monitors were found to provide less accurate data.

Athletes and medical professionals are the one's often seen using a pulse watch. These devices are vital for athletes in ensuring that they get more out of their exercise time. As many models of these devices today features functions that warns the user when dehydration point or nutrition deficit point has been reached, one can also monitor his/her water and nutrition levels. Medical professionals, on the other hand, employ these devices in order to monitor their patients' conditions, and hence, be able to provide diagnosis and medical treatment. Nonetheless, not only these two groups of people can use these devices. Casual users who are participates in various fitness exercises to stay fit and healthy can also use these heart rate monitors.

A number of benefits can indeed be derived from the use of a pulse watch. As such, it is important to carefully consider which type and model to choose-among the number of options to choose from---when purchasing these items.

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